Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Submission Bordeaux House



Note: all of the drawings are not to scale, because i need to scale them to fit the blog. Thank You


Elevator Analysis

In Delirious New York, Rem Koolhaas talks about the relation between form and function. He is interested how function could vary depending on the situation without changing the form. This is seen in the elevator.

The elevator is not simply just a mode of transportation of the disabled father, but instead it creates a space for everyone.

Ground Floor

The absence of the elevator would block any path to the wine cellar and thus the elevator would functions as a passage for the wine cellar. Furthermore, by having the elevator in the ground floor, it allow light from the first floor, go inside the cave-like ground floor.

First Floor

The absence of the elevator would create a void thus separate the floor, especially with the bookcase and structural beam that cuts through the floor. Thus, the second floor would have varies of 'space' such as a studio, gallery space, etc. But with the addition of the elevator, the floor becomes an extension of the floor and combine the room into one large space. When the elevator are turned into an office space, and the office space would then extends toward the

Top Floor

With elevator, the top level would have an office next to the bedroom, but without the elevator, the room could functions as a bedroom. The void left by the elevator would also create air ventilation. 

ANALYSIS: Structure

The structure of the house is clearly important in the first floor as it feels that its covered with glass but still manage to lift a heavy mechanical box. The main structure that holds the mechanical box on the first floor is a long beam and the spiral staircase. On the top level, the structure are also helped by a long beam that connects to the ground.


Rem Koolhaas says that he did not only design 1 house but instead designed 3 houses stacked on top of each other. The Bordeaux House are also a sort of response to Le Corbusier.

The ground floor feels like a cave. protected and intimate. This is where all the living areas are; such as the living room, the kitchen, and the dining room. It mirrors to Le Corbusier's Villa Savoye as it provide different ways of moving into the next floor as well as the circular drive way.

The first floor is perhaps the most important one. It is an invisible box. It allows interaction with nature and has no distinct separation with nature. Again, this communicates to Villa Savoye's second level. Rem argues that maybe instead of putting a house above the ground, providing amazing view but at the same time separates itself from the ground. Rem said maybe it's better to put the building in the ground, connected with nature.  The first floor is interesting because it holds the second floor on top of it though it looks like it is covered by glass.

The second floor is an interesting addition to Bordeaux. It again refers to Le Corbusier's statement that says that the house are the machine for the living. Thus the top floor looks like a mechanical box, though it contains warm and intimate spaces, such as the bedroom. The box feels like its floating though it looks very heavy. Compared to Vila Savoye's light white box, Rem produce heavy brown box that floats above ground.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

ANALYSIS: House is a machine for the living

Research Analysis before week 1

I've managed to read a few articles written about the Bordeaux House and I thought I find it interesting. The building is designed as a response to Le Corbusier's statement that says that the house is a machine for the living. Rem Koolhaas mentions that the machine is at the heart of the building. And the most obvious machine in the house is the elevator.

The elevator is more than just a way to get the disabled father across to each room but instead is a space. The presence of the elevator changes the plan and thus the elevator becomes the 'heart of the house'. The presence of the elevator affects the plan.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Week1: Bordeaux House

Bordeaux House by OMA Rem Koolhaas

Bordeaux House is an interesting building. In week 1 I've managed to watch the movie Koolhaas Houselife, which gives me a good idea how the building works. (notes will be posted soon)

I managed to start 3 plans and 2 sections.

Here are some of my notes from week 1, mostly are filled with ideas that I could gather from the house. 
  • One of the most intriguing part of the building in my opinion is the second level. The second level, due to highly calculated structural elements,could be free from the load bearing walls and thus provide amazing views through all it sides, while at the same time still has the third floor floating above it.

  • In the last lecture in wk2, the lecturer mentions the relation excavation and the feeling of protection and warmth in Villa Maeria. I've figured, Koolhaas aimed to do the same in the first floor; he puts the living room as well as the kitchen/dinning room in the cave-like first floor. 

  • This cave-like first floor are contrasted by the broad openness of the second floor.

  • There is a relationship between the circular drive way and a the circular stair and again with the mechanically operated circular windows. 
  • The top house are divided into 2 parts, the parents bedroom and the kid's bedroom. However, I find it odd that the two bedrooms are connected only through their bathroom by a small pathway.
  • On the top level, there are a balcony that are covered with the facade.